Friday, April 20, 2007


wow i havn't posted in almost a month
i'm listening to pwnage music right now ;P
switchfoot--gone + red jumpsuit apparatus--face down at the same time
as kevin calls it, multitasking lol

soo what's new with me?

well i was at disneyland for band april 11-14

ihs tolo on may 5th!
even though like nobody from ics can come
it's really going to suck if mary can't come =/

wasl is finally over
well i didn't actually take it, but we had this lame wasl review

track is still dominating my lyfe ;P
and my times havn't gotten faster other than that 11:17 2-mile
michael huseby gets to run the 2-mile at the bellevue invite tomorrow
lucky him >:(


Carmencita said...

first hug :)

omyGOSH i LOVE red jumpsuit apparatus' face down :D they're hot xP

hey.. that's on my dad's bday :P

Anonymous said...

yo dude. I don't know you! But I know where interlake is. I go to Odle!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, if helen has a link to your blog, why can't i? -pout-

Anonymous said...

o.0 Okaaaay.... -weirded out-

Anonymous said...

Thanx Con.