lol first post
nothing really to say except midwinter break
and little bro playing starcraft all day... pretty boring
ahh amc 12 tomorrow
i need to practice
i hate how these blogs do their own html like really lame-ly
yay for lucida calligraphy hahaha
woahh pristina is funkyy
I always told myself i should learn html, but i never got around to it, and i probably never will.
oh and who are you? o_O
Hey babe
I love your pic lol
oh. im olivia. XP i forgot my name doesn't say that.
kks lol
what's your msn?
@ Michael: What's with your display pic?
hey grace
what's with it?
i tried learning html once :P it got boring
hey carmencita
haha hugs i know ;P
oh i never really tried to learn html
it's one of those things that you just know once you use myspace for a while loll
Ach! I just figured it out!
I thought you went to ICS (International Community School), but I was kinda confused because there's no other Zhang besides a guy named Kevin.
I gets it now!
i know kevin zhang!
he has a brother named leon haha
they're neighbors with my friends philip + linsen
yeah you go to interlake :P
yea i do loll
how did you know?
G'morning everyone!
14 hugs?? Haha..nice XD
@ grace:
Lol...xD that got me a bit confused too, when Ed told me on IM that he and Michael spammed up my blog. XP
oh cool, i'm considered a "cool" person. =P
yeah, i'm bored.
ermm..."Shy girls are cute"?? weird O_o
well duh you're cool
all of my friends are cool ;P
yay!! ^____^
btw...where did you find that avatar? O_o
i had mil find it for me lol
oh, ok.
do you really think that? XD
yeaa lol
edward looked at it and was like [i should hook you up with some ppls]
but then i was like *cough* *cough* and he was like oh right
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